Career In Home Science
Science is a field, which has come up with a number of career options for the students. Students with sciences in the senior secondary examinations can opt for a number of career options and shape their career in the right direction. There are careers related to medicine field as well as the non-medical field, where the students need to focus on maths other than physics and chemistry. Other than maths and bio being the deciding elements, which makes a student choose his career, Home sciences is also another subject, which introduces the student to an entirely different field of education. Home sciences is a field, which has come up as a separate arena of education, in which many colleges of India, provide undergraduate as well as post graduate courses. The student applying for home sciences courses needs to have home science as a subject in their senior secondary education.
For doing honours in home science, a student should have the subjects, physics, chemistry, biology and home science in his senior secondary classes. Home science is a subject, which basically relates to the study of different practises which can adopted to make the lifestyle of the human being better. It can be related to the living culture, eating habits, nutritional value in food, sociology, textile, etc of the human being and his family. This can also be referred as the domestic science, which is aimed at the development of the human beings and their familys lifestyle in a proper manner. There are many colleges in India, which provides degrees to students in the courses of home sciences. Few of the top most colleges in India, providing courses in home science, are:
Lady Irwin College, New Delhi
Institute of Home Science, New Delhi
Jwari Devi Birla Institute Of Home Science, Kolkata
S.D. College, Ambala
Viharilal College Of Home Science, Kolkata
Govt. College of Home Science, Punjab University, Chandigrah
Dayananda College For Women, Faridabad
College of Rural Science, Amravati, Maharashtra
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore
Sri Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science, Mumbai
Smt. Radhadevi Mahila Goenka Mahavidyalaya Amaravati, Akola
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Lady Amritabai College for Women, Nagpur University, Nagpur
College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Days are gone, when only girl students, used to take home science as their career option. Now-a-days, many boys can also be seen taking admission in the colleges of India, for pursuing the course of home sciences. Also, home science is not only related to the food making processes in different styles, but it is also related to dietary professions. Many students also prefer taking the profession of dietician after perusing their course in home sciences. Also, with the increasing awareness of the masses about the importance of healthy and the balanced diet, a larger number of students are opting for the courses in home sciences. Hospitality is another vast area, which can be opted by the students, who have degree in home sciences. Proper presentation and management of food items are the qualities, which one can learn from the course of home sciences. So by applying the same in the field of hospitality, they can achieve heights in their respective field. Colleges in India are always determined to shape the students mindset, according the developments and demands of the society. This is very important to have a flourishing and a prosperous career. Also, the students should adopt a smart and a vigilant approach and should keep a track of the developments happening around him. This ways, he would able to do his work with utmost precision and by adding the newness to the matter, he would be able to give new directions and meanings to the projects concerned.